The Pavilion
For printable versions of the blueprints, click the images below.

The Arboretum includes furniture to seat 200 people with Pavilion rental, at no charge. In accordance with our mission of sustainability, our furniture is free of PVC, and our tables are made of recycled plastics. We have:
- 200 taupe resin folding chairs with padded seats
- 25 sturdy, round folding tables that seat eight to ten people each.
- These are 5-foot (60″) diameter tables, which is a standard size and compatible with standard linens.
- Five picnic tables with attached benches are placed around the outside of the Pavilion. The tables seat about 45 people, and you are welcome to move them.
- We also have 16 rectangular plastic buffet tables (eight 6-foot-long tables and eight 8-foot-long tables).