Nature Notes, a Blog by Bryan Ribelin

Nature Notes, a Blog by Bryan Ribelin

At the Arboretum, there are three plants (trillium, bleeding heart, and the inside-out flower) with seeds that have a white, oil-rich appendage known as an elaiosome, which is attractive to ants. They will collect the seed to eat the elaiosome and then discard the seed, thus helping to disperse it.

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Nature Notes, a Blog by Bryan Ribelin

Nature Notes, a Blog by Bryan Ribelin

It’s morning.I am sitting by the river on a small gravel bar.Sunlight brushes across the tops of the cottonwoods.A light, upstream breeze is blowing in from the ocean.The air smells sweet and freshly laundered.In front of me, a thicket of willowslightly sweep back and forthin eddies of wind.The willows grow from an anchor of stones—a cobbled bed, smoothedover centuriesby elemental

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